fontec-global LLC metallurgy & consulting, Holland, MI
global experience
local development
Business and metallurgical consulting and advisory services for the foundry and heat treatment industries, incorporating 50 years of practical experience on 6 continents.
Passionate about mentoring the next generation of technologists for a prosperous and successful future

Metallography is the study of the structure of metals and alloys and one of the most important activities and studies in understanding the properties and performance of metals and alloys.
fontec-global brings many years of practical experience in the metals and foundry industries on 6 continents in roles from craft apprentice to Managing Director.
Short or long term on-site assignments to monitor and identify potentials for process and equipment optimisation.
This can vary from a single visit to a regular series of on-site activities to create a climate of continuous improvement.
Project assistance from concept to production.
"Martin is a very well-versed individual in all aspects of the metalcasting industry"
"His extensive knowledge of our industry, products and services made dealings pleasant. Martin is demanding in his expectations for high quality craftsmanship but still resonable and diplomatic.
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